"I just can't stop thinking about Jessa, you know? Like where is she? What is she wearing? Is it linen? What language is she speaking, you know?" awww shosh is so adorable! please get back with Ray soon ok?!! and see you around, Jessa.
人物原型:著名犹太裔德国批判家父亲Alfred Kerr;母亲Julie;大儿子 Michael Kerr;小女儿Anna Judith Kerr1933年举家从柏林颠沛流离辗转苏黎世、巴黎yellow高清在线观看视频在线观看最终于1935年在伦敦定居Judith也在此得到了自己向往的住所战后Judith学习了艺术并担任儿童读物的插画师影片同名原著为儿童读物三部曲Out of the Hitler Time中成就最高的一部被翻译成20多种语言谨以此片纪念Judith(2019年5月在伦敦去世享年95岁)